Celebrating Ruby

My dearest Ruby Mae,

Motherhood offers many lessons, and there's one I know too well.  It all goes by so quickly.  I knew there would soon be a moment when all the long days would turn into the close of your first year.  Twelve months gone in the blink of an eye; this has been the fastest year of my life. I'm so thankful I have been making a conscience effort to enjoy all my little moments with you along the way...

Friday was your birthday.  Saturday was your party.  And today was the momentous occasion of your well check appointment.  You have grown so much, you impressed us all!  You are now in the 75th percentile for weight, and the 96th for your height.  "She's going to be tall like Daddy," I hear so often.

You are eating lots of table food, pancakes being your favorite.  Just this morning you ate three, after drinking all your milk.  Within the last week, you've started pulling yourself to stand on anything and everything.  You love to crawl over to the couch when Joel is watching a movie, stand up and scream in his face with delight.  You have started standing on your own for a few seconds before you lower yourself back down to the floor.  I know it won't be long and you'll be an expert at cruising and then walking will soon follow.

You continue to be such a sweet baby.  You are very attached to me, which I of course just love.  You are cautious with strangers, and lay your head on my shoulder when they approach.  But by the time they leave, you usually offer them a wave and a smile.  You love to be independent when you're speed crawling and exploring, but if anyone you love comes close, you put up your arms to show that you're ready to cuddle.  You love to hum along to music and will often mimic little grunts back and forth for a long time with Daddy and I. 

Ruby, I feel like I cannot adequately express how much I love you.  Your very presence has brought me so much joy.  You and I have a special bond, baby girl.  Maybe it's because you are Momma's second Rainbow Baby, another comforting gift after the loss of your brother.  Maybe it's because I've known since I carried you that you would probably be our last baby.  Maybe it's just because of who you are.

I tell you everyday that you're my sweet petunia.  You smile every time.  I'm beyond thankful that God gave you to me.  Love you, Ruby Mae.  -Momma

Your GORGEOUS cakes, from the amazing MIL.
Inspecting your treat while you eat.
Your beautiful birthday dress.
Presents - Fun Toys & Cute Clothes!
Our HAPPY Birthday Girl!


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