Feeling the Love

I'm almost 37 weeks now and am feeling so exhausted.  I'm grateful my hubby is home today and has given me a break with the kiddos.  I can't quite pinpoint why I'm feeling so tired, but I can assume it has to do with my emotionally draining day yesterday...

Ruby was quiet all day long, from the time I woke up, all through church, and into the afternoon as I tried all the tricks - like drinking something cold and laying on my left side.  This is very unlike her.  She's one of those babies who's so active people can see her moving from across the room.  One of those babies who moves so often, I never have to think "Oh, I haven't felt her in awhile."  So, finally by about 3pm I had packed my bags and was almost in Crazy Town.  Decided to call the on-call midwife, who asked me to come into the hospital to be monitored - that way we both would have a peace of mind about it all.  After being there about an hour, it was determined that Ruby is just fine and is probably less active now because she's simply running out of room.  Le sigh.

So, here I sit - still feeling so stressed and oh, so tired.  And I look around and see two new gifts from amazing friends.  I know in my heart that I am so loved and cared for.  I know there are amazing people all around me, praying for me and my little one.  I will continue to pray, and rest in the peace that can only come from God...

So, you wanna see my gifts?  Of course you do!  The first one came from my dear friend Tara.  She actually contacted another precious friend of mine, Emmy, to make me a darling pair of slippers.  By the way, these two have never actually met.  I just talk about them to each other, and they made the connection themselves.  Love that.  Along with the gift, came this simple explanation:  One of Tara’s favorite authors, Ann Voskamp, explained that she wears rainbow socks during sad days “because sometimes you have to wear His promises in order to walk in them.”  I am so in love with them!  They're already packed to take to the hospital so that no matter how bad I look, at least my feet will be cute!

Then, yesterday at church, another amazing friend of mine -Laura, passed me a little gift with a tiny pink heart attached that said, "A little gift before Miss Ruby arrives.  Just a reminder of how much you are loved (by us and God) and how precious your four babies are!"  I open it up to see a beautiful necklace, with a sparrow guarding a nest of four eggs.  Seriously.  How cute is that??

Then later that day, she sends me a message, explaining the best part:  "P.S. Didn't get a chance to tell you this morning, but when I had Erin make your necklace - I hadn't told her about your story at all. So when I saw that your nest came with 3 blue eggs and 1 green, I was stunned. I thought it beautifully represented your story, 3 blue eggs (babies) safe here on earth under Mama's wings and 1 green Gabey egg already safe at home with Jesus. Precious!"

Are. You. Kidding. Me.  Blown away.  Here's a shot of the necklace:

 Feeling the love...  P.S. Can you tell that Tara needs to start a blog??  (Don't worry, she hears that all the time because she has an amazing story and is oh, so funny!)  An FYI, everyone else has a link attached to their name, which will take you directly to their blog...


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