Headache Update

Hello friends. I've had a few emails from people asking for an update on my headaches, so naturally I assumed the whole world wants an update, LOL.  So, here ya go!

My latest cure-all attempt was visiting my dentist for a mouth guard I wear at night, in hopes that fixing my TMJ would result in less DAILY headache pain.

It worked.  For awhile.  And, now I’m back to having pain.  Every. Single. Day.    

It’s pretty ridiculous, really.  And anyone with chronic pain will tell you, it easily leads to depression, and leaves to feeling defeated.

I am open to advice, and I know people like to give it, so I’d like to take a moment to re-cap everything else I’ve tried.  In the end, we are trying to uncover the root of the issue, not to necessarily take care of the pain itself…

 *Headaches started when I returned from living in Hawaii for two years, in 2003, age 21.

*Have seen two neurologists, and have had several scans.

*Have been on every type of preventative medication there is (which is highly recommended for anyone with 3 or more headaches A MONTH):  Beta-Blockers, High blood pressure medicine, anti-depression medicine, anti-seizure medication…  The only one that every worked for me, ONLY worked the first time I was put on it (which is common), and that was Topomax, which also came with severe side effects.

*Have researched other causes and have had various other treatments:

-Chiropractor adjustments

-Allergy testing

-Acupuncture evaluation

-ENT specialist consultation

-Pain and Spine specialist

-Trigger Point and Spine injections

-Daily supplements, like magnesium and feverfew

Aside from a certain medicinal plant or Botox injections (joking…kind of), I really don’t know where else to turn.  I guess I’m going to make an appointment with another neurologist and do some more research on medications.  Anything else you think I should try??  Thanks…


  1. Was there maybe an ingredient in all things Hawaiian that isn't in your daily routine here? Odd that pregnancy eased. Hope you find relief!

    PS - LOVE YOU!

    1. It COULD be something about the amazing mild weather in HI, and then switching to East Coast weather... But migraines are also common in women, beginnning in their 20's... So, it's really hard to say. But thanks for reading!! And thanks for your input!! :)

  2. I nominated you for a little blog award :) And I can't remember if I sent you the new blog url but it's on Wordpress at brittanysrainbowsandpuppies. If I put the whole thing in this comment box, it'll delete my comment as spam :(


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