Feeling the Love
I'm almost 37 weeks now and am feeling so exhausted. I'm grateful my hubby is home today and has given me a break with the kiddos. I can't quite pinpoint why I'm feeling so tired, but I can assume it has to do with my emotionally draining day yesterday... Ruby was quiet all day long, from the time I woke up, all through church, and into the afternoon as I tried all the tricks - like drinking something cold and laying on my left side. This is very unlike her. She's one of those babies who's so active people can see her moving from across the room. One of those babies who moves so often, I never have to think "Oh, I haven't felt her in awhile." So, finally by about 3pm I had packed my bags and was almost in Crazy Town. Decided to call the on-call midwife, who asked me to come into the hospital to be monitored - that way we both would have a peace of mind about it all. After being there about an hour, it was determined that Ruby is just fin...