The Bump Will Now Be Known As...

Ruby Mae

So, yeah, we found out the gender.  Surprise!!  I wasn't lying; I honestly had no intentions of finding out.  That is, until, we scheduled the anatomy scan.  And then the curiosity got the best of me.

I cannot even express in adequate words how blessed I'm feeling right now.  All weekend, I was literally convinced this baby was not okay.  Yet now, here I am, beaming with the knowledge that all is well.  Our ultrasound tech clearly knew our history, as the first two things she pointed out to us were the giant amount of fluid surrounding baby, and both of baby's kidneys.  Insert huge sigh of relief.  

Our little girl was modest, with both her lower parts and her precious face.  But, we did get confirmation that this is another little girl.  Seriously, how blessed am I?!  Two boys, two girls...

As I sat in awe that not only was baby completely healthy, but that we are having a little girl - it hit me.  We haven't had another boy since our Gabriel, because there is no replacing our Gabriel.

So, as promised - the explanation behind her name.  It's amazing, get ready.

Ruby - Both a family name AND found in the Bible.  The Proverbs woman is described as "more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare to her."

Mae - Because both my boys' middle names are after my husband's side, we thought the girls should be named after my side.  And then this amazing idea was presented to me:  Mae, spelled this way, so it's M for Meghan, A for Ashleigh (my sister) and E for Emily (my mom.)  I know, right!?  Pretty much the most amazing thing ever.

I feel like I'm floating...  Thank you for your prayers and for sharing in this joyous news with us!!


  1. PRAISE GOD for a good report! Been thinking about you and praying for you. So excited to hear you are having a baby girl... and LOVE the name :-) Congratulations to your sweet little family. <3

  2. Nothing short of amazing! Her name is precious. God bless the Dingle family!!

  3. Awe honey!! That is such amazing news! I am so happy that your sweet little girl is healthy! Love, love, LOOOOVE the name!! Now, enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, easier said than done, I know! LOL

  4. CONGRATS! I love the name, she'll be a beautiful little girl for sure!


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