Sweet Relief

We had our official ultrasound today, at the official diagnostic imaging center.  It was official.  The purpose of this appointment was to date the pregnancy accurately because my dates weren't adding up.  And that's all I'll say about that because it can get TMI pretty quickly.  Not trying to lose any readers!

So, bad news first.  Baby is measuring a week behind where I thought I was.  So, I'm only 11 weeks along, instead of 12.  Which makes me shudder to think that I had such a belly at NINE weeks, but we'll just call that bloat because it really isn't as big at this point.  TMI?  Sorry.

So, now the great news.  Where do I begin??  First of all, my sister came to the appointment with me.  As soon as everything began, I looked up at her face and she was crying and I realized she had never come to an appointment with me, and had definitely not seen a baby via ultrasound or heard that precious sound - the heartbeat.  Secondly, we had the sweetest technologist, who after getting all my reproductive history and hearing this was my fifth pregnancy although I only have two living children - started the ultrasound finding that heartbeat so we could hear it and release a huge sigh of relief, before she started measuring anything at all.  And finally, that sweet baby was so precious.  Not only did we get to see it squirm and dance, but it practically waved at us like it knew it was on display for Momma to see.

Oh, one last detail.  Heartbeat was 159.  Now, I don't know if you know about the Old Wives Tale, but if the heartbeat is under 150 they say it's a boy, over 150 and they say it's a girl.  It's been true with Joel (heartbeat of 147) and Zoe (heartbeat of 163.)  So, at this point, if I had to guess - I'd say girl.  The heartbeat only seems like a confirmation of my other girl symptoms - morning sickness, breakouts, dry hair.  They say if you're pregnant with a baby girl, she has to "steal your beauty" as she's forming.  How precious is that??

Below are my attempts at taking pictures of my sonogram photos.  I realize they may be hard to see, but it was too amazing to see such a difference in ONE week, I just had to share.  Enjoy!

Baby at 10 weeks, basically a blob.  No disrespect intended, baby.

11 weeks, you can clearly see the head and the body, and that's baby's arm on the leftside waving!

4D image of baby, with both arms up near face - Amazing!


  1. oh my!! how precious, that makes me cry!!! I can't wait to meet her or him. we shall see :) what ever the baby may be, sure is cute!!!! <3

  2. None of your babies ever stole your beauty! You're gorgeous preggo! And yay for baby blobs! haha


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