
So, not to brag or anything, but God has been talking to me a lot lately.  Not like an audible voice, or even via email, but I’m getting his message loud and clear.  The best way I can describe it is when a thought enters your mind quicker than you could think it.  I also feel like saying, “I’m getting it, God!!” when there seems to be the same theme everywhere I turn.  Lately that theme has been chaos.

Have you ever felt life getting comfortable, and as soon as you realize it - you worry that it’s “The Calm before the Storm?”  That’s how I’ve been feeling lately - except that I’m not worried, I’m happily anticipating what’s next to come…  

I’ve come to the realization that a comfortable life is nothing to strive for.  I mean this in every way possible.  Financially, Jesus said “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God,” Luke 6:20.  And to those who are grieving, He reminds us that “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted,” Matthew 5:4.  

You see, being comfortable leaves you feeling like not only are you the one in control, but that you are doing a pretty swell job.  That’s the opposite of how I want to live my life.  I’m literally trying to get more chaos into my life!  I realize how crazy that sounds, especially in our selfish culture, but lately it’s become so obvious that if anything is of this world, it is not where God wants me to be.

I want to rely so heavily on Jesus, that the chaos causes me to be in constant communication with Him.  I want to live the lyrics from the song "Beautiful Things" I just heard on Sunday, “Out of chaos, life is being found in You.”  Thank you, Michael Gungor, for yet another reminder of this theme.

I think that’s why people who have gone through horrific situations secretly wish they were right back there.  Have you heard of this phenomenon?  Missionaries who were being persecuted, a son watching over an ill grandparent during the final days, a mom carrying a baby she knows will pass away.  There are things that happen in our lives that force us into this stronger relationship, and not all of them are that severe.  Wherever you find yourself today, I pray you have just the right amount of chaos to get out of “self” and poured into Him.


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