Easy Way Out

So, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm back on the Facebook.  When I made the decision to "break up" with the social media site, my twin brother encouraged me to not be gone for long.  He said I had too much of a "following," speaking specifically of those friends I have just because of what I've endured with the loss of my Gabe

First of all - Thank you, FB friends, for not pointing out the obvious and poking fun at the fact that I have gone back on my word and returned.  Secondly, I must say, I've only been "back" for a number of days now and it's already been so obvious to me why I left.  The negative people are still negative, and the gamers are still requesting I play along.  And one truth remains - This world is full of so much sadness.

But guess what?  I don't think I'm going anywhere.  While there's a million reasons to not be on FB, I honestly feel like God has shown me today that it is a mission field for me.  While I agree that being in communion with people in person is far better than online, sometimes that's just not possible. 

I tried to stay away.  I attempted to disconnect.  I wanted take the easy way out, and just be surrounded by my own little reality.  But, there is way more to life than my own home.  There are friendships to celebrate, pictures to share, and heartache to be endured.  The Bible says that Jesus shares in our sorrows.  Isaiah 53:3-4 says "He was despised and rejected - a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down."  As His followers, we are called to become more Christ-like.  So I believe He is calling us to share in each others sorrows.

Just yesterday I found out about four separate infants who passed away.  Just yesterday.  Four tiny lives gone, each with distinct stories I would not have known about.  So while I casually scroll through my newsfeed, my day is abruptly stopped with immediate devastation.  Is that easy?  No.  Does it disrupt my day and my joy?  Yes.  But I believe it is wrong to turn my back to it all.  If everything I've endured creates genuine empathy that can help another person, then that gives purpose to my own sadness.  It has been said that "shared sorrow is endurable sorrow."  That thought alone will keep me connected.  So that is the value of social media - to be connected, to share life. 

So if it needs to be said, please continue to share your lives with me.  The good, and the bad.  I want to be a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on.  I want to pray for you when you don't have the energy or desire to pray yourself.  I want to help you carry that burden.  Because there's nothing apart from Christ that will give us strength.  And there's no love on this Earth stronger than His.

And in closing, how else would I have known to set my clocks forward this Sunday?  Spring Forward!  Thank you, Facebook.  Thank you.


  1. The negative nancies and gamers are always going to be there! I try to skip over those people and focus on the Happy, Positive, FUNNY!!! posts!! They make life so much easier. I've found that facebook has become a saving grace for me sometimes. When I was growing up my friendships were really important to me! I saw my friends every single day. We were inseparable! After moving away, I don't have close friendships like that. Everyone here has their own thing going on and their own friends that they are like that with. Facebook helps me to keep close to those people everyday and more people that I wouldn't normally see everyday. Not to mention being closer with family than I have ever been. Facebook has truly been a godsend for my sanity! lol

  2. btw.... I'm glad you are back!!!!

  3. I am so glad you are back...you are an inspiration to many. People will continue to complain and rant...but that is life. It is not perfect or easy. We have a God who is good and we have His forgiveness and His guidance to face each day.


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