Dreaded Event

I walked up to the dressing room attendant with two bathing suits in my hand.

"This may ruin my day, but I'd like to try these on."

She laughed politely as she directed me to a tiny stall with horrible lighting.  It turned out one suit was a little too small and the other one way too big.  I didn't buy either.  Listen, you're missing the point.  The point is that this yearly rite of passage didn't ruin my day.  In fact, the story gets better.

I walked out of the dressing room area nearly floating from the relief that a depression did not immediately fall upon me, and then that Saint of an Attendant watched as I began interacting with Kyle and our three lovely kiddos, and then made a point to ask, "Those are all your kids!?  What are you talking about?  You look so great!"  My goodness.  Thank you, random stranger, for making my day.

Throwback to 2007.  Secret to being comfortable on the beach - Hoodie.


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