
Showing posts from January, 2014

Grief on Downton Abbey

Just wondering if I'm the only one.  Do you watch Downton Abbey?  Have you experienced a loss?  Are you bawling at every episode so far this season? This amazing show is currently in its fourth season.  At the close of last season, a pretty main (and very loved) character died tragically.  Much like the popular Grey's Anatomy, this happens often on this show.  Yet, we still love it and still watch it even though it causes us viewers deep heartache. (If you've not watched the show, or are in the midst of catching up, just stop reading now. Kbye. And if you're never gonna watch, but still want to read the quotes with some understanding, scroll down.) So all you really need to know is that in the finale of season three: Lady Mary lost her precious husband, Matthew.  Because of this tremendous loss, there has been much discussion on the show about how both Mary and Matthew's dear mother have been dealing with the loss.  Yes, I realize the los...

New Year Update

Good morning, friends!  Decided that it was time for a little update on my sweet family.  Hope this new year has you feeling renewed, refreshed, and seeking the Lord! My dear hubby is in his eighth year of teaching.  He continues to amaze me in both his professional and spiritual growth.  He has a real gift working with children, and dealing with me.  Ha.  Most recently, he's been nominated by his school for Teacher of the Year - something he'd never share with you, so I'm doing it here!  He has the unique ability to challenge and encourage me, all the while lifting me up.  I am truly blessed to have him as both my dear husband and best friend. Kyle and the kids listening to a recorded book from my precious MIL. The whole family, in our Christmas Best. Happy to report I'm still gluten free and never want to go back.  I continue to have moments of carb-filled temptation, but the memory of my last migraine is still fresh in my min...