If You're Wondering...

If you're wondering if I de-friended you on Facebook, yes.  I also blocked you and reported you.  Oh, wait.  No, I didn't.  I just finally got rid of my FB account!  How do I put this...  It wasn't you, it was me.  I had been talking about getting off of the popular website for awhile now, and had even deactivated my account several times in the past, during weeks of fasting.  I went back and forth for so long mainly because as many things about the website/interactions/culture upset me, there were just as many people, friends, and precious groups that kept me logged on. (Shout out to my new friend Lindsey, my BFF group, my Labor of Love friends, and my Bible Study gals.)

I'm sorry that I've made it more difficult for some of you to interact with me.  I really am.  But being connected to something that was a constant source of negative feelings is no longer something I'm willing to put myself through.  I'm sorry I'm being vague and somewhat dramatic.  For your peace of mind, it wasn't one person, or one interaction, or one conversation.  It was the website as a whole.  And if you know me at all, you know I've always been a sensitive soul so the constant let-downs, comparisons, and addictiveness of the site became more of an avenue for hurt feelings than it did a place to connect with others.

I will probably be blogging more often now, as an outlet for my witty status updates and a place to share my kids' latest quotes.  I still want a place to share photos and memories and experiences, so I'll log on to blogger now to get all those out.

In other news, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Please find me on Twitter HERE or Pinterest HERE or (my new favorite) Instagram HERE.  And, in case you need to find these links again, I've added them to the tabs on the top of my home page.  

So please...  Find me!  Stay connected!  Love you!

And finally, please enjoy my latest Most Favorite song.  I pray it will bless you as it has me!


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