Thinking about Mercy

Definition of Mercy:  compassionate treatment of those in distress

So, I’ve been thinking about Mercy today.  Not just the word, but the baby I lost two years ago this month.  For the short time I was pregnant, I felt that the baby was a girl, but it took me many months before I actually gave her a name.  Today it occurred to me that July was the month that I found out I was pregnant with her… and also the month I lost her.  It all happened so quickly.  I decided to search my old blog to find out the actual date that everything occurred.

I wrote a blog on 7/21/10 explaining that we had lost our baby the morning before. 

Then, exactly one year later, 7/21/11 I gave birth to my amazing little girl, Zoe.  And, as I was just reminded recently, her name means LIFE.

My nighttime routine with my precious little girl was extra special tonight.  I turned on her lullaby music, changed her diaper, brushed her wavy hair, and dressed her in a sweet smelling pair of pajamas.  She drank her milk and immediately fell asleep on my shoulder.  I just held her.  I tried to take in the moment as deeply as I could.  I stared at her legs draped over my stomach and the dimples in her hands.  I paid close attention to the way her warm breath felt on my neck as she slept safely on my chest.

And even after I laid her down in her pretty white crib, I just stood there.  Taking her in.  How blessed I am to have her.


  1. God's keen ability to restore to us what we've lost will never cease to amaze me. Beautiful, mama. xo

  2. Beautiful!
    Heather K

  3. Your words always seem to touch my soul... AND make me cry:) Love you!


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