It's Been a Minute
You guys. It's been over a YEAR since I've published anything on this site. I can't believe it's been so long since I've made a blog post. Recently I went searching for what I said at Gabe's last Angelversary. After searching all my social media accounts, and this blog, I couldn't find anything. If my memory is correct, we had a very small gathering last year. I do see photos of me with my besties. And I definitely remember the gorgeous floral arrangement left by a sweet friend. It looked sunny. We were smiling. But I remember I felt horrible inside. That I didn't make any "reminder" posts on social media, because I didn't want to "bug" anyone about remembering my Gabriel. So, in order to not make that mistake again, I present to you: What was said at Gabriel's Ninth Angelversary. We arrived a few minutes early to see a tent and table set up, and sweet friends already gathered. The clouds had grown darke...