The BFF I've Never Met

If you are a dear friend of mine, you’ve heard the name “Brittany” come out of my mouth.  Of all the mommas I’ve met who have been in my shoes, she’s my closest “Potter’s Momma.”  One who found me on the World Wide Web very shortly after her son received the same diagnosis.  I love her so dearly.  It’s been amazing to know someone who has been through the exact same thing as you.  Both of us have lost precious little men, experienced a miscarriage, and had gorgeous rainbow baby girls.

(Rainbow Baby – the amazing blessing that comes after your horrific storm.)

We do not live close to one another, but have already discussed meeting in person.  A lot.  It will happen.  We actually just figured out which city is our midway point.  Maybe we’ll be taking a long weekend at some point??

Anyway, she also started a Weebly blog to vent her thoughts and emotions while she carried to term.  I highly recommend writing to anyone I meet along the way.  It’s so therapeutic.  She just started a new blog and received an award!!  (Go Brit!!)  She was asked to nominate five blogs she follows and I WAS ONE OF THEM.  Read her words below, I just had to share...

“Third nomination goes to Meghan at Shining through the Sorrow. This woman When we got Tyler’s diagnosis of Bilateral Renal Agenesis (Potter’s Syndrome), I had nowhere to turn. I had never heard of it, the doctor told me that my baby was going to die, gave me information to abortion clinics… I was reeling, to say the least. Then I found Meg’s blog, documenting her pregnancy and birth of her sweet Potter’s baby, Gabe. He was born just 3 days before we received the same devastating diagnosis. Reading his birth story was one of the most beautiful accounts of a mother’s love that I’ve ever read. Amazing. Beautiful. Inspiring. Uplifting. She started Shining Through The Sorrow recently, but there is a tab that takes you back to Gabe’s website and you can read all about that sweet little guy there!”


  1. Yes, we WILL meet! The hubs will be on the east side your state at the beginning of next month for work and I'm not happy that I can't join him. I keep trying to shimmy my way into his plans for the trip...he ain't havin' it! LOL! It's seriously amazing how many people know of you. When I say your name, most people assume I'm talking about you (even though I know at least 5 Meghan's). I could have written so much more about you on that blog post. How yours words held promise that I'd have no regrets in CTT. That there would be beauty and happiness in those moments surrounding my baby's death. That God has a plan for me and my sweet baby, even if I don't understand it. And that I was not alone. Looking back, reading your blog felt as though someone were holding my hand, saying, "It will be ok. You will stand on your own two feet again. The clouds will part and the sun will come back out. This is only a storm, it will pass." I felt like a total creeper, checking your blog every single day. It was like looking at my life in the future. You gave me so much hope. I know you don't always feel strong, but your honesty and faith were exactly what I needed exactly when I needed it.
    Love you to pieces, girl! And so honored to have an entire post dedicated to me <3

    1. Brittany!! You continue to bless me, time and time again, through your amazingly kind words. I am so thankful for your appreciation of my blunt honesty. The way it has impacted you ALONE makes it worth it. Love you, friend.


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