A Shared Photo

Hello, friends. I don't know if you heard about the little boy in Cleveland, Ohio who shared a picture of his family for a school project - a photo with his parents and his baby brother the day he was stillborn. The teacher and principal at the school both agreed the picture was "not appropriate" and had to be removed from the student's project. You can watch video of the original story HERE , and you'll find the article at Still Standing Magazine HERE , perfected titled "Death does not Negate Existence." I cautiously opened the online articles, and came to this conclusion: All the pictures are absolutely beautiful, showing a loving family with the raw emotions of both admiration of their son and the profound loss of a precious life. As the author stated, it could have been made into a very teachable moment, one of compassion and empathy. Instead it taught this lesson to the student instead - Your little brother is not worthy of being i...